LASER stands for light amplification
stimulated emission of radiation. It is
a form of light therapy which produces a beam of light that is applied over the
injured area. Some lasers work on different settings than others and give
different results. Some emit continuous single wavelengths, others have dual
wavelengths and pulsate. Class IV lasers
are high powered lasers. Lasers are
gaining believers for deep tissue laser therapy to treat chronic and acute
conditions as well as post-surgical pain.
It is an easy, non-invasive and fast alternative to surgery. Penetration depends on the type of tissue and
treatment, using the laser at different power settings for various time
periods. More power provides better results with neuropathy, spinal stenosis
and herniations.
Unlike hot class IV lasers, the
Apollo Class IV laser is cool, safe and effective. Apollo has 20 years of
scientific and practitioner experience. Lasers are used to treat soft tissue
injuries, reduce the healing time, and
accelerate the resolution time of the inflammatory process. Biological reactions are triggered in the
cells as laser light is absorbed by the tissue.
There is a reduction of pain by producing endorphins- the natural pain
healers. The process suppresses
inflammatory enzymes that create pain, swelling and discomfort. Circulation is increased, which then speeds
healing. Learn more about the Apollo Class IV Lasers from the manufacturer at