DOC Decompression Table
The DOC Decompression Table takes your chiropractic practice to the next level with its unique design and impressive list of standard features. The state-of-the-art digital command center controls specific vertebral targeting, including axial rotation and lateral flexion; correctly positions patients in antalgic posture; offers separate lumbar and cervical decompression programming; and delivers continuous readout and graphing of treatment protocols. The digital command center also controls table elevation and rear flexion, all at the push of a button. Patients may be treated in supine or prone positions and from various angles.
How Is Spinal Decompression Different From Traction?
Regular traction stretches your spine and muscles simultaneously. But if you only stretch the spine, your body naturally “braces” for the next stretch, limiting the effectivness of the treatment. The “overall stretching” commonly used in traction can also trigger painful muscle spasms.
Decompression therapy is different from conventional spinal traction because it alternates between stretching and relaxation.2,3 The relaxation stages trick your body into staying relaxed and therefore maximizes the load and the effectiveness of the treatment. Decompression tables should also allow your doctor or therapist to target your treatment area in three different dimensions. This allows practitioners to target their treatment by isolating specific spinal discs, compared to traction, which often just “stretches” the entire spine.1 Your health care provider should also be able to completely customize your decompression treatment by changing the amount of stretch (load); the number of stretch/relax stages; the time it takes to reach each peak stretch/relax stage; and many other settings. These options allow them to personalize the session for your age, weight and condition and to adjust your treatments as they track your results.
Table Features
90 Days of FREE Support from industry expert Dr. Bryan Hawley
Digital (DOC) Command Center, which includes:
- Specific vertebral targeting
- Separate lumbar and cervical decompression programming
- Continuous readout and graphing of treatment parameters
- Interactive color display
Pre-programmed Lumbar and Cervical Decompression Protocols
Customizable Treatment Protocols
Traction Belting System, which can enhance restraint for optimal decompression. This helps the body lessen internal disc pressure, which helps reduce spinal problems.
Built-in Safety Features
User-defined Treatment Hold and Relax Times
Real-time Digital Treatment Tracking
Table Elevation
Reference Library, including patient setup and training materials
Cervical Capture Headpiece
Comfort Knee Bolsters
Comfort Neck Bolster
Technical Specifications
Table Dimensions: 77” L x 30” W x 21” H
Shipping Dimensions: 88” L x 41” W x 47” H
Shipping Weight: 620 lbs.
Retracted Length: 77”
Extended Length: 86”
Max Length With Touch Screen Arm: 92”
Pelvic Cushion Width: 27”
Thoracic/Lumbar Cushion Width: 24”
Cervical Cushion Length: 17”
Hand Pad to Hand Pad Width: 30”
Hand Pad to Touch Screen Arm (Max Width): 44”
Standard Height to Top of Cushion (Min): 21”
Standard Height to Top of Cushion (Max): 29”
Standard Height to Top of Touch Screen Arm: 36”
Power Consumption: 115/230 V 60/50 Hz
Current Consumption: 5 Amps Max